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At the end of every season a number of awards and certificates are given to athletes to celebrate their season of little athletics. This ranges from sponsored awards to participation certificates. Below you will find the awards on offer and their criteria. 




Personal Best Age Champion is awarded to the athlete with the most points accumulated throughout the season in each boys and girls age group. A winner and a runner up is awarded and based on PB's. To be eligible for this award you must be a full financial member of EMLAC. Each athlete will receive a point for every PB made at an EMLAC centre competition. 


- PB's made at external competitions are not included in this award.



At no point in the competition is 'coaching' an athlete to gain PB's every week tolerated. If this happens, the athlete runs the risk of all points being void and not eligible for the award. The executive committee's decision on this is final.




Age Champion is awarded to the athlete with the most points accumulated throughout the season in each boys and girls age group along with a point for each meet attended. A winner and a runner up is awarded and based on a points system. To be eligible for this award you must be a full financial member of EMLAC and have attended a minimum of 60% of the season. 


Points System


5 points        1st

4 points        2nd

3 points        3rd

2 points         4th

1 point            5th


1 point for a centre record (broken not equalled)

1 point for attendance




The Junior and Senior Champion awards are awarded to the athlete who has accumulated the most points  (personal best and age champion points combined) in the overall junior section (U7 - U12) and senior section (U13 - U17).




All athletes who break a centre record throughout the season will be recognised and awarded a ribbon at the beginning of the next competition week.

Note: In order for a record to be verified, a committee member bust be notified of the record and verify the record. If this does not happen the record will be void.




The Riverine Herald Club Spirit Award is for athletes of all age groups. This award recognises not necessarily the best athlete but the athlete who best displays the qualities of sportsmanship, commitment, dedication and club spirit.

Selection criteria includes the player who both on and off the field:

  • Shows respect to all 

  • Interacts positively with team mates

  • Supports team mates 

  • Shows persistence, determination and commitment throughout the season




EMA Athlete the Year award recognises an athlete that consistently demonstrates the LAVIC sporting values such as sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork and health. They are a role model for their piers and a great 'team' person by encouraging those around them. They are helpful and show initiative within the centre by way of helping where they can, this may be packing up equipment or setting up, helping officiate where needed (if they are of age) and simply being an all rounder. They have also competed at a high level of competition through out the season and strive to always achieve their personal best performances while representing the green and white.



EMA Encouragement Award recognises EMA athletes who regularly display a good attitude towards little athletics, fellow athletes, our volunteers and always strives to do their best regardless of whether they place in an event. It also recognises those willing to put themselves out of their comfort zone and have a go at events they might usually shy away from. This award encourages Athletes to always give their best in everything they do and strive for their own PB's.



This is a centre Volunteer of the Season award and is presented to an EMA volunteer in recognition of performing above and beyond the call of duty normally required of a committee member or volunteer. From helping out as chaperone to cooking the BBQ – whatever it is, EMA would like to recognise these volunteers and say thank you.




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Jack Eddy Oval, Moama, NSW

114 Sturt St, Echuca, VIC 3564



President - Kate Downward: 0400 430 584

Secretary - Vanessa Haw:  0418 139 309 &​

                             Cathy Carfoot: 0408 287 196

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Did you know why we have the number 58 in our logo?


It is because every centre was numbered in order of affiliation date. Meaning we were the 58th centre in Victoria to start up! And that was back in 1976.

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